Social Networking Websites

This article is quite out of date now try these articles instead: Creating an Artists Facebook Page and An Artists Guide To Twitter.

Social networking websites and examples of social software have exploded in popularity and ubiquity recently (2005,2006) and the classic example of such a website is MySpace. Essentially they provide a way for the average web user to submit content to the internet and to interact with others. Joining such websites can provide a good means to spread one's reach to the world. If you are trying to promote your website, then a good presence on a social network can allow you to steer more eyeballs at your site.

Using Social Networks

Social networks are, by and large, free services (some charge for premium accounts) and in general do not require any special technical skills to use. Normally, it's simply a case of signing up to join, although some networks are by invitation only.

You will usually be guided through the sign-up process, asked questions about yourself and interests, choose a profile photo and most likely being encouraged to send invites to all your friends to join too. Each network will have its own specific themes and features, but they all have an emphasis on meeting others on the network.

Being a member of one of these websites can work well in tandem with your own separate website as well. Whilst your own website should give you the means to present your artwork in the way you choose and be up-to-date with your current work, being a member of such sites allows you to keep a running dialogue that others can participate in. It can be an excellent way to get feedback from people you'd otherwise never hear from.

Typical Features



Other Features

Making The Most Of Social Networks

Most major social networks have a plethora of third party websites with tools, tips and advice on how to make the most of your experience. These are often a better source of information than the original site itself!


Key Social Networks

Name Description/Focus User count Registration
Blogger (service) Blogging 16,000,000 Open
Care2 Green living and activism 6,600,000 13 November 2006] Open
Friendster General 29,100,000 Open
LiveJournal Blogging 10,921,263 15 August 2006 Open
MySpace General 130,000,000 28 November 2006 Open
Stumbleupon Websurfing 1,200,000 Open
Xanga Blogs and "metro" areas 40,000,000 July 21 2005 Open
XING Business 1,000,000 31 January 2006 Open

Further Reading